Monday, April 18, 2011

Eating Is The Most Sacred Thing We Do

I heard Anne Lamont say this today on NPR. (First, let me just tell you how much I love her) Today was not the first time I heard this. However after preaching this Sunday on what happened on Maundy Thursday this statement struck me more deeply than ever before.

By far my favorite thing to do on this planet is to share food with friends. I love making meals, sharing wine, going to people’s homes, and going out to explore the best and the weirdest Los Angeles has to offer. I love parties, and celebrations. I love being with people after long days of work and relaxing over meaningful and sometimes meaningless conversation. These moments are some of the most divine I have ever experienced. Weather eating with new friends, old friends, or people you just met it is in sharing meals that we share life; figuratively and literally.

I once had a professor tell me that Jesus was killed because of whom he ate with. When we look at the parable Jesus taught about loving our neighbor called the “Good Samaritan” and compare that story to the people Jesus ate with throughout his short life, it is clear that Jesus put his own teachings to action. Jesus’ table was open to everyone. This made me ask the penetrating question: Is my table is open to everyone? Who do I wish would go eat somewhere else? What am I afraid of? Could I be afraid of seeing God in someone who makes me uncomfortable?

Is your life feeling blue or broken? Who have you shared a meal with recently? Do you need more Divine moments in your life? Perhaps we should turn off our televisions and phones during dinner and just enjoy the people we are with. Have you opened a great bottle of wine with friends recently? It is in sharing this cup that we remember the new covenant.

To all my Jewish friends at Makom and beyond May you have a blessed Passover Meal. May you find freedom from your personal Egypts. To all my other friends what will you be eating tonight?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The christian does not understand God in terms of love: he understands love in terms of God as seen in Christ... Love is not the work of the Holy Spirit, it IS the holy spirit- working in us. God IS love, he doesn't merely have it or give it; he gives himself- to all men (sic), to all sorts and conditions: to believers and unbelievers, high and low, dark and pale, learned and ignorant, marxist and christian....-joseph fletcher (Situation Ethics: The new Morality)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

GOD is good.

Just got great news from a friend that our legal system had compassion on him. (thanks be to God)

I am blown away by how often people are put into prisons. Our system is broken. It is not about healing, reconciliation, or rehabilitation. We put people away and do very little to change the situations that put them there in the first place. Obviously the problems are going to stay and many fellow brothers and sisters are going to be stuck in systems of injustice without the tools to change.

We must Re-think. Why do we not rethink old idea and see if we can still make the world a better place. Instead we are stuck in our own old patterns. God save us. Save us from our ignorance.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Back to posting

I've been taking a break from the web for a while. Its been about a year since I wrote last. I've been off facebook for about 4 to 5 months. I plan on writing weekly and using this as a place to engage what Im reading feel free to join in.